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Costume design

I started helping out with student films when I was around 16 years old and slowly fell in love with costume design

over time. It combines my love for clothes, order and organization and aesthetically pleasing visuals.

I enjoy preparing mood boards and discussing different approaches as a costume designer,

as well as being on set as a costumer.

Below you can find all the different projects I contributed to. Starting from various student films

all the way to my first feature! Enjoy  ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶

COming soon.png

(film in post-production)
position: costume designer & set costumer



(film in post-production)
position: set costumer

Milovník, nie bojovník


2023 (film)
position: set costumer fill-in

Bod obnovy


2023 (tv series - episodes 1, 2, 3, 4)
position: set costumer 


Ticho na poli

2022 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Ticho na poli

Samorast o sliepkach a ludoch maverick

2022 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Samorast (O sliepkach a ľuďoch)


2020 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Mullet for my valentine

Jemná cesta Gentle journey

2019 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Jemná cesta

Romeo a julia R + J

2019 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer

R + J

Hrejivá komédia o depresii, šialenstve a nesplnených snoch, Hřejivá komedie o depresi, šílenství a nesplněných snech

2017 (student film)
position: costume designer

Hrejivá komédia o depresii, šialenstve a nesplnených snoch


(film in post-production)
position: set costumer

Hore je nebo, v doline som ja


2024 (film)
position: set costumer fill-in


usvit we have never been modern

2023 (film)
position: set costumer fill-in 


blizko close

2023 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer


Teraz je tvoj čas na zmenu kaufland

2022 (set of three adverts for Kaufland)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Teraz je tvoj čas na zmenu

Fandi ako Klasik St.Nicolaus

2021 (set of three adverts for St.Nicolaus)
position: costume designer

Fandi ako Klasik

Pozdrav z nigérie greetings from Nigeria

2020 (student film)
position: costume designer

Pozdrav z Nigérie

Kto chce byť hrdina? Who wants to be a hero?

2019 (student film)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Kto chce byť hrdina?

Snímka obrazovky 2024-07-28 o 12.29.21.png

2017 (music video)
position: costume designer & set costumer

Fresh Out Of The Bus - N.W.T.U.A.

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